Category Archives: Vision Board


A colleague of mine suggested or rather challenged me to unplug for 24 hours. I was complaining that I wasn’t getting great sleep and felt like my brain was on overload. So she wanted to see if unplugging would calm the mind. For 24 hours I was going to give up my iPhone, iPad, computer and TV. Yes TV too!

We picked January 16th since it was a holiday and would be an easy day to be unavailable. I was OK going without the gadgets, I wasn’t too gadget heavy during my holiday break but the thought of no TV was tough. My favorite way to spend a holiday is in front of the TV cuddling on the couch with the boys and Lola in my lap.

I decided to create a plan beforehand to make sure that my day was full. I had a list! I also had a list of things to do when I was back online, wow you don’t realize just how plugged In you really are until you lose it.

Back to my list:
Vision board

Cleaning up after our annual Regifting party was a no-brainer. Catching up on some reading was pretty obvious too but the one thing that I saved for my unplug day was my vision board.

I really enjoyed working on it. I was also able to go through a few more magazines and add more photos. The images are really in categories: mind/body; healthy food; learning and the world. To show mind/body I have plenty of meditation and yoga photos, even a set of great abs. The healthy food is pretty obvious, beautiful photos of food I love, including coconuts which I intend to conquer this year, that means open a young Thai one myself. I also included ads from the Natural Gourmet Institute and Living Light to continue my education. I included images of the world and beautiful places. I think to fully live life you have to be aware of the world out there. And while I accept that my lifestyle sometimes strays from the average I am very aware that there is an entire world out there waiting for me.

As you can see I still have open space on my vision board. Like me it’s still a work in progress. I won’t know what I will be adding until I see it and it resonates with me. But you better believe it’s going to be something good. I just hope I don’t wait until I unplug again to find out.

Gadget-free Guacamole
2 ripe avocados
1 tbsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
Juice of 1 lime
Salt & pepper to taste

In a bowl with a spoon mash up the avocado, mix in the condiments and juice and add salt and pepper to taste.